
Gardening work for the month of August!
Throughout the hot months of the year, but especially in August, when the heatwave is common, watering is at the top of the gardening list!
If you don't make sure your flowers and plants are supplied with water, some of them, with less stamina, may wilt and then unfortunately there's nothing you can do.
Make sure that all your plants are properly watered with as much water as they need and when they need it. If you're going to be away, make arrangements for that neighbour to take care of them or make sure the automatic watering system is working properly before you leave.
Unless temperatures are particularly high, continue to lubricate normally until the middle of the month.
A light dusting, especially at this time of year when the soil is more easily stoned by drought, will help your plants' roots to breathe and grow normally.
Prune shrubs and annuals that have grown "untidily" and give them the shape you want before the first chill of autumn.
Mow herbs like mint and basil often to keep them fresh and to keep their fragrance fresh!
Cut back dead leaves and flowers often to help the last stage of flowering of all summer species.
Start collecting seeds from your summer flowers for next year and bulbs where you can find them to plant in September-October.
Bring with you from your holidays on a Greek island shoots of any kind of succulent and plant them in pots.
They will catch on easily, all they need is a little watering and many of them are particularly impressive in appearance.
Water your houseplants as regularly as necessary and protect them from excessive exposure to the cold, dry air of air conditioners.
August is one of the most popular months for paper gardening.
Plan and write down what you would like to plant and create as ...little gardeners over the next few months and take advantage of the good weather to clean and care for your garden or balcony in general, not just your plants.